Scams in Arizona
The scam works like this: The con
artists will find people who need or want to get rid of their car loan
or lease payments. They pretend to be with a company that will find someone to take
possession of the owner’s vehicle and assume the monthly loan or lease
payments, with no costs to the original owner. The company claims that
the person who takes over the loan or lease will pay any maintenance
and repair costs, and pay for full insurance coverage for the vehicle.
The company guarantees it will pay the bill if the new lessee defaults on the
Once the crooks have possession of your car they fail to live up to
any of their prior guarantees
Law Enforcement and Sub Lease Scams
The police will usually not get
involved in helping to recover your sub leased vehicle. Normally it is
their position that since you signed an agreement with the con
artists, it is a civil matter and the police will not get involved. JD
Recovery has been successful in gaining assistance from law
enforcement in repossessing fraudulently sub leased vehicles.
Sublease Scams and the Arizona
Attorney General
The Arizona Attorney General's office
has been aggressively pursuing Subleasing companies since 2005.(Arizona
Attorney General Press Release)
JD Recovery has worked with the Arizona Attorney General's office in
recovering multiple vehicles lost due to these sublease frauds.


Take Over Auto , Jordan Williams and
Victor Mason
The Grand Daddy of the sublease
schemes was a company called Take Over Auto. They operated in Las
Vegas Nevada, but Take Over Auto subleased many of the vehicles they
took in the Phoenix, AZ area. A MR. Jordan Williams and Victor Mason,
claimed to be the principals involved in the company Take Over Auto.
JD Recovery has repossessed many of the vehicles they sublet in
Arizona. There are still several more to be repossessed.
U.S. Auto Management and Auto
Payment Solutions
The Arizona Attorney General filed
suit June, 2005 against U.S. Auto Management and Auto Payment
Solutions for violating the Arizona Consumer Fraud Act. Law
enforcement estimates that there are still hundreds of victims that
have not been able to recover their cars. Many of the victims have
been forced to file bankruptcy, leaving their lien holders to sort out
the mess. JD recovery has repossessed dozens of cars that were
subleased through U.S. Auto Management and Auto Payment Solutions.
Call us today and we can get started on your repossession.
Kennedy's RV Kennedy Motorhome
Services, Kennedy's Financial Services, Banker's First, and Green Valley RV Services.
On 2/12/2008 the Arizona Attorney
General sued three Arizona companies: Kennedy Motorhome Services, Kennedy's
Financial Services, Banker's First, and Green Valley RV Services. The
lawsuit also included the individuals, Donald W. Kennedy, Granite
Hobbs and Kenneth W. Griffith. The suit alleges consumers were
defrauded when the defendants subleased consumer's motor homes to
third parties. JD Recovery has already recovered many of the RV's lost
to these unscrupulous companies and individuals.